Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Perfect Love Never Quits"

There is something we must keep in mind when we are talking about 'perfect love' verses being made perfect in love; perfect love is a destination, while being made perfect is a process towards a destination. The reason again that this is important has to do with where 'perfect love' comes from; it comes from God! And because it comes from God, that means that it is, was, and always will be, because He never changes. That my dear brothers and sisters is what makes what we have in Jesus Christ so amazing; that in the blink of an eye we are restored into His perfect Love; just like that, we can go from destruction to restoration. However, as we move forward in our state of being restored, that is when the act of 'being made perfect' begins, or begins again, depending on where we have come from. Now let me share something from my heart, and it will hurt, that much I am sure. But this perfect love that I have for my wife is not always perfect; because, there are times when I doubt; times when I feel like throwing in the towel; times when I say to myself, Why are we doing this, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year? It has been over seven years now, and I still am asking for God to heal her; and I still am holding out for a healing. Then again, there are times when I say to myself, This is it! Her current state is the best I can expect in this life, so get use to it! But then I realize something that is very profound: she is holding on to life; which, from the point of view that I have been told to have, means that the Lord is not done with her yet; which also means that He is not done with the two of us yet, because we are still one! So then, what about the perfect love which is not always perfect, and why is it that way? First off, God does not change, but we do; and every time that I change my heart, or let my heart be changed, God is right there to change it back!!! And all that I need to do for that change to happen, is to cry out to Him, 'Abba Father', and just like that, I am in His perfect Love! Now as far as 'being made perfect' goes, that process comes from trusting God and knowing how much He loves me, and that He will never quit loving me!!! That promise, along with the fact that He is such a Great and Mighty God, gives me more hope than I need to get through any measure of doubt; while at the same time, holding me in His perfect Love... "Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not prevail with child: for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the Lord." (Isaiah 54:1)

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