Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"Giving Up To God" - 2

Why would I have concern about hearing God's voice? Okay, let me phrase that a little different, like, why would I not be able to discern His voice? There is something which can come between me and my God, and it is called sin. But, you might ask, didn't Jesus die on the cross for all of our sins? To which, I would answer, most definitely!!! However, there must be a washing away of all that sin; and sometimes it might require a foot washing somewhere down the road. No, scratch that; it will require a foot washing down the road! We have to realize more than anything else, that we will get dirty, and when we do, we are going to require a washing; not another rebirth, but a time of surrender, where we give whatever it is up to God. This is so very important, because that sin which we have picked up and that we are clinging to (or clinging to us), will disrupt our ability to hear God's voice. In fact; I will go as far as to say, that if left alone for too long, the ability to hear from God will be greatly hindered. Does that mean beyond repair? No, not at all; because our God is in the business of restoration; but you sure could find yourself stuck out in the wilderness for a while. This example that Jesus gives in John 13 about the washing of His disciple's feet has a couple different meanings; but the most important one is about the need to be cleansed of the traveling sins; which are the sins we pick up as we walk with the Lord. I know that might sound a little contradicting; and how can we walk with the Lord yet still pick up sins? Because we can, and we do! Remember that sin is more than the actual act of sinning, but can also include the things we hold in our hearts; things which we might hold against our brothers and sisters in Christ. Am I saying that the things we hold in hearts against our brother or sister will hinder our hearing from the Lord? Wow, you are a genius!!! "I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have received a commandment from the Father. And now I beseech thee, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment unto thee, but that which we had from the beginning, that we love one another. And this is Love, that we walk after His commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it." (2 John 4-6)

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