Monday, February 14, 2011

"Perfect Love in Us''

"Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." (Psalm 139:23 & 24) The heart of God, that is the place I want to dwell; because being there I can partake of His perfect love for me. When we get to that place where His Love is the focus of our hearts, we can truly say the words said in the Psalm above, and actually want them to be done. Until then, we are so busy hiding our wicked ways that we forget God knows them already, and we are only fooling ourselves. The word 'wicked' in the verse above means an idol or image, which for the purpose of this passage of Scripture is about setting up an image of who God is, and then placing that image in the way of who God really is. When we place an image of God in our minds, we set that image between us and God; and in doing so we limit the access that we have to the Heart of God. I have shared on this before, way back in the Isaiah 55 days; but like I said before, this time it is about Love. This being also Valentine's Day, I thought it would serve well to dedicate this to my wife, and to search my heart for her; because this same principle works well in our love also. If I set up an image of what our love should look like, or what my wife should look like, then I am placing that image between my heart and her heart; which will limit the access that I will gain into who she really is. Having said that, I do believe that there is always room for improvement in our relationship; but that improvement begins with me. If you want your spouse to love you more, then love her more, and see yourself doing those things required to make that happen. However, we should not require our spouse to be the one who is setting the level, or meeting the picture that we have set up; by doing so we will only set ourselves up for great disappointment and some quarrels about not being loved. As for me, my life is what it is, and I must deal with it; but as I have said before, this is my calling and my mission is to love my wife with all my heart. Which brings me to another point I would like to make, and that is images within our minds that we have let in that are placed between us and our spouse. These images must be removed, and there is only one way to remove them: Repent and ask God to take them out!!! Replace them right away with the images of your perfect spouse, with the help of the Holy Spirit! And, and I mean and, ask God to search your heart and your mind to reveal anything that might still be there; anything which can take away from God's Perfect Love in you...

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