Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"Love Lives"

"In this was manifested the Love of God toward us, because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might Live through Him." (1 John 4:9) In what? In what was the Love of God manifested toward us? Was it just in the act of God sending His Son? I am thinking that there is a little more to the 'this' then just that; because John is talking about knowing God, and that those who do not love, do not know God. The word 'live' means more than just living, it also means having Life; coupled with the 'through Him', which refers to God's Son, it means to have life through Him. Now, some may scoff at the notion that there is anything special about the 'Life' we have in Christ, and with good reason, because sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between the believers and the nonbelievers. But, I can assure you that this 'Life' we are given is far more special than even most believers realize; and the reason I say that, is the example I just gave for those that scoff. Because; this word 'live' is a present tense word, which for those that may not know, present tense means right now. Am I not talking about eternal life? or life everlasting? or the here after? Well, it really comes down to the now; What about now? Okay; this is how I see it: The living which is to be manifested in us is God's Love, which we have been blessed to be a part of, by knowing and believing in God's only begotten Son; which is in fact the Redeemer's kingdom, and His kingdom is now. But I thought His kingdom was to take place in heaven, and was not of this world? Don't scoff! The Redeemer's kingdom is now, and is presently about redeeming the lost, and about Life being given, and about God's Love. Here is the reason: those that need to be redeemed, need to believe in God's Love for them, which was manifested towards them through Jesus Christ; however, the vessels which manifest the Love of God to those that are lost, are those that have already been redeemed, and which know God's Love. Does anyone see a problem here?

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