Saturday, February 26, 2011

"ALL or Nothing!"

"He shall see the travail of His soul, and shall be satisfied: by His knowledge shall My Righteous Servant justify many; for He shall bear their iniquities." (Isaiah 53:11) One more thing, and then I will move on from this subject; not because I am done with it, but primarily because it is to hard to bear! (If you don't think it is, then you are not seeing what I see; maybe because you have not sinned as much as I have.) The point that Jesus was making by His foot washing demonstration was twofold: the heart of a servant that cares and the need to care for one another. Isaiah 52:13 through 53:12 is the greatest illustration of 'God's Suffering Servant' that I believe is found in the Bible; yet, the one point in this illustration which is not made strong, is the fact that this Servant was God. This very important fact has a great deal to do with the knowledge Jesus had that would justify many, and required the greatest humility that has been demonstrated to man: that the Maker of our souls would offer His own soul for our sins. Did He hold back anything? Did He? I don't think so! And yet, we have not yet seen the fullness of His Grace, nor the mighty work that He had completed through His obedient heart; but He did! When it comes to the act of Love, there is no halfway point by which we can meet the Lord in a form of compromise; it is ALL or nothing. The same goes for our Love one towards another; there is no halfway point to loving our brothers and sisters; as if we go so far, and then the rest is up to them. Which, for the sake of argument, is the same in marriage; where there is no halfway point to me loving my wife! Thinking back to the things which I have lacked in doing, and the things which I have put before my 'devoted love' for my wife, I hurt inside; and when I say that I hurt inside, I mean that my soul groans in anguish from my actions, or lack of a love committed to completion. If you again do not see what my point is, then I am sorry for wasting your time; however, if you know what I am talking about, then listen to what I am about to say. When it comes to a husband loving his wife as Christ loved the church, look at the Suffering Servant, and see if there is anything that could stop His love from giving His ALL. When it comes to loving our brothers and sisters, look at the Suffering Servant, and see if His love had any form of compromise. I think you will see that the old saying, 'Love is a two way street', has no bearing in this matter at ALL... "Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him. If you know these things, happy are ye if ye do them." (John 13:16 & 17)

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