"Whoso removeth stones shall be hurt therewith; and he that cleaveth wood shall be endangered thereby." (Ecclesiastes 10:9 KJV)
"By now Balaam realized that the LORD was determined to bless Israel, so he did not resort to divination as before. Instead, he turned and looked our toward the wilderness, where he saw the people of Israel camped, tribe by tribe. Then the Spirit of God came upon him, and this is the message he delivered: "This is the message of Balaam son of Beor, the message of the man whose eyes see clearly, the message of the one who hears the words of God, who sees a vision from the Almighty, who bows down with eyes wide open: How beautiful are your tents, O Jacob; how lovely are your homes, O Israel! They spread before me like palm groves, like gardens by the riverside. They are like tall trees planted by the LORD, like cedars beside the waters. Water will flow from their buckets; their offspring have all they need. Their king will be greater than Agag; their kingdom will be exalted. God brought them out of Egypt; for them he is as strong as a wild ox. He devours all the nations that oppose him, breaking their bones in pieces, shooting them with arrows. Like a lion, Israel crouches and lies down; like a lioness, who dares to arouse her? Blessed is everyone who blesses you, O Israel, and cursed is everyone who curses you."" (Numbers 24:1-9 NLT)
Hopefully you were paying attention to all that went on yesterday; because this was such a special event; those that were offended by it, really made fools of themselves by calling President Trump a cult leader! I was amazed when he spoke after being sworn in as President, speaking about all the bad things his predecessor did over the last four years, (while he sat right behind him,) and declaring how pleased he will be to destroy them and make everything great again!
There was about two hundred executive orders that he signed; some of them were just common-sense issues, like that there are only two genders, men will not play in women's sports, and merit will be the thing that propels people forward. As he was signing these orders in the Ovel Office, there were reporters asking him questions and trying to debate him on certain issues he was signing. Without even batting an eye, he was willing to correct them, try to persuade them, and even challenge their lack of common sense; all the while, still staying focused on the stack of documents he signed, one by one.
As for this strange interpretation of something that appears as if it doesn't compute, there is more to come that might complete this weird and amazing story! By the way, Balaam was told to curse these children of Israel. This message was his third, the other two were also blessings; but this time he didn't do what he did for the other two, which was to check in with the LORD.
No, this time he saw something totally different and amazing: Looking down on the complete tribe of Israel, he saw the giant formation of the cross! All the tents were set up, everyone in their perfect formation, tribe by tribe; each one settled into their particular spot; and the Spirit of God spoke through him...
"So Abraham placed the wood for the burnt offering on Isaac's shoulders, while he himself carried the fire and the knife. As the two of them walked together, Isaac turned to Abraham and said, "Father?" "Yes, my son?" Abraham replied. "We have the fire and the wood," the boy said, "but where is the sheep for the burnt offering?" "God will provide a sheep for the burnt offering, my son," Abraham answered. And they both walked on together." (Genesis 22:6-8 NLT)
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