Wednesday, August 14, 2019

"More Than Satisfied"

"I will abundantly bless her provision: I will satisfy her poor with bread." (Psalms 132:15)

  There are some things in life that require us to feel need, in order to appreciate the value of what we have been given; love is one of those things, in all different forms and conditions. I guess the easiest way to explain it, might be to understand the meaning of the word, 'provision.' It is not just about having food, it is about hunting and catching your prey, especially provision for a journey. How else can I explain it, except by using love? When it comes to God's love for us, His love has that sort of property where in must be caught or hunted; it might be easy to accept the fact that He loves you, but to make that fact become something useful in this journey, you must own it and make it your own. There are just too many factors and distractions in life that will make you think otherwise; unplanned adventures that will test your ideas of what love should look like, let alone, what it should feel like. I am really sorry if I am loosing you; I probably lost you at the opening sentence; maybe even the opening word, "there." I guess the point is useless to be made personal, because without others being involved, it does not make any sense. That is all part of the journey; we are not our own, and we are meant to serve one another. You know one thing that Jacob was famous for, was for building wells. He had an abundance of sheep and goats; so many, that nobody wanted to share their wells with him, so he had to make wells for himself, just about everywhere that he went. We see one of those wells in John 4, the encounter with, "the woman at the well." The point that Jesus made to His disciples, saying, "My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work," was that of being satisfied by doing the Father's will, and by sharing the love of the Father. I remember the very first Bible Study that I ever put together, it was based upon one special word that was said of Jesus and His need to go through Samaria, the word, "must." That is the point of what I am trying to get at, although skirting the edges ever so gently; we must be able to own His love in order to share it! If it is not ours to own, we will not feel as though we can give some away. There is something about the things that we have of the Lord: you can never give too much away...

"Honor the LORD with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine substance: so shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine." (Proverbs 3:9-10)

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