Thursday, August 22, 2019

"More Further"

"As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore." (Psalms 133:3)

  Not that it doesn't matter, but the way we display our love for one another, is not just for our benefit; it is to represent the body of Christ, with Him being the Head, over us and empowering us by His Spirit; if, that is, we are yielding to the power of the Holy Spirit! If you look up, 'Grammar Girl's,' choice selection for using 'Further,' or using 'Farther,' the suggestion is to use further because farther has some restrictions; FYI. The general idea is very similar to when Peter asked Jesus about forgiving his brother seven times, thinking he was actually setting the bar for forgiveness. If you recall, Jesus blew that little suggestion right out of the water, saying, "I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven." (Matthew 18:22) Does that mean we need to keep track until we get to 490 times that our brother offends us and we forgive them? Absolutely not! It means that you do not keep track of how many times, because your Father in Heaven does not keep track of the number of times you have offended Him and asked forgiveness, sometimes for the very same thing! There are two very distinct words that are related to these two mountains: "sanctuary," and, "fortress." If you take this part of the verse apart, the dew of one mountain has a little different character than the dew of the other: one is a covering, and the other comes down. Much the same is the way those two distinct words operate; because the way I see it, the covering is like a blanket of security that is new every morning, much like God's mercy, each and every morning; while the coming down is like power given from on high, much like God's grace, and it too has no limits or restrictions. Let's be clear about this one thing: we are not going to be successful forgiving our brothers or sisters as we should, without first yielding to the power of God in our lives to do it! Just as we are not going to love God as we should without His help to make it happen; we simply cannot do it! Like that big giant rock God tells us to move; we push and we push, and we might get a few muscles built up in the process, but until we ask Him for help, we are not going to make it happen...

""This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world."" (John 6:50-51)

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