Friday, August 23, 2019

"More Further" -2

"As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore." (Psalms 133:3)

  Interesting enough, the dew that descended is that which has already happened, as in, it is already done! God's grace is already afforded to us, waiting for us to use; but the most wonderful news of all, is that it never runs out! It's like a debit card attached to a bank account that never gets depleted! Say, How do I get this, because I want some of that? I was listening to a message the other day, it was about the fact that looking to Jesus does not require a way or a particular means, but only requires a look, as in, look to Him with anticipation and the need to look. Jesus told Nicodemus, "And as Moses lifted up the serpent if the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up," because it was just that easy! You want to be healed and live, then look to Jesus! It is the same exact thing that brings us the grace card, that debit card that never runs out: just like you just look up, to get grace, you simply step out and use it. It's already there, waiting to be used; we just need to be available and He will make it happen. The second part of this verse is about just that; that God has commanded the blessing, it is already said and done, we must just simply walk in what He has already given us. This is something that we don't even need to ask for, because He has made it all ready available to us; it is what is already expected of us, as part of the commandment He has put forth. How else can I say this, but to relate the old and new covenant to each other: where the old covenant was base upon the Law of Moses, but the new covenant is based upon love. There is really no difference between the two, because they both require dependance upon God to be fulfilled; and the amazing part about that, is that they both have already been fulfilled! Won and Done! Do you think it is any easier? Can you love God the way you should, easier than keeping the Law? Not without the Holy Spirit living inside you, you never can! Even then, you must still constantly yield to everything the Spirit gently tells you to do. I wish some times the Spirit would be a little more persuasive, because the gentle voice sometimes just isn't enough! But I think you get my point; that point being that He has given us everything that we need, and then some, but we rely on our own strength more than we should. Paul puts it into a battle kind of way, as the flesh and Spirit are always fighting one another; which is why He also says that we must reckon our flesh crucified with Christ; then too, that battle is already won! But I can't do it! It is like that stupid flesh keeps getting resurrected and never dies! There is the more reason for the past participle of descended and commanded, because He goes more further...

""Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life."" (John 5:24)

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