Tuesday, August 20, 2019


"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" (Psalms 133:1)

  To say that the night was interesting would be putting it mildly. As I went to sleep last night, I thought about the title of this post; having song the words of this verse maybe a thousand times, it was the title above that kept flashing to the forefront of my mind. It makes me think about the meaning of communion, not just the what communion means in remembrance of what Jesus did for us, but what it means when sharing this walk and all that goes with it, with those that walk along the same path. It is hard to forget someone once you have spent a day with them talking about eternal things and the struggles of staying focused, keeping our eyes on Jesus; there is a communion that takes place which touches the soul and is magnified by the Holy Spirit. Much the same way that taking of Communion sparks a remembrance of what Jesus did on the cross; that His body was broken for us, as He gave His blood for our sins! The word, "dwell," that is used above, has many of the same meanings that we might think of when it comes to our walk with the Lord; words like, abide, remain, to be inhabited, to make to dwell. A big portion of the Lord's prayer, that actual prayer He prayed in the garden, had to do with this same word and everything associated with it: To be as one! We have examined the meaning of dwellers before, such as those that are referred to as earth-dwellers, meaning those that are attached to this earth; that those are people that live for and serve the earth, as if this is where they will remain, even after they die. As a Christian, I believe and have determined to make Heaven my home; that is where I expect to be going, and that is where my King and Lord is waiting for me to come home to; not here, this is not where my dwelling place is found, because I am a pilgrim in this place; which means this is a temporary place, a place I am simply traveling through. I might not be the best at explaining myself, but the point of fellow-travelers that come together and get to share about home, that is the thing that kept going through my mind, what seemed as all night long. That is what we do when we come together, and that is what we do when we partake of Communion! What Jesus did on the cross, He did for us to get to go to Heaven...

"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." (1 Corinthians 1:18)

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