Sunday, December 10, 2017

"Because of Whose We Are"

"Which covenant he made with Abraham, and his oath unto Isaac; and confirmed the same unto Jacob for a law, and to Israel for his everlasting covenant: saying, Unto thee will I give the land of Canaan, the lot of your inheritance." (Psalms 105:9-11)
We can complain about some things, if we want to, but complaining about how much God loves us, that is one area where we will go unanswered. Have you ever said that in an outburst to your mother or father? 'Why don't you love me?' 'Why do you hate me so much?' If I was answered, it would be something like, 'Go to your room, and think about it!' We really are not owed anything; anything and everything that we have is a gift from God, it is not payment for services rendered. Even the air that we breath, and the lungs that we have to breath that air in, it is all a gift from God, including our very lives. When things happen in our life, things that don't quite appear as blessings, the first thing that we always do is to look at our life and try to figure out what we might have done wrong to upset God; as if, all of our troubles are God's way of hurting us for something we have done. If that's what we think, then we really don't understand the difference between a blessing and a curse. In God's economy of good and bad, a curse is only a curse if we make it out to be one; and even then, God can use a curse for good, despite how we might feel about it. A good life to look at would that of Joseph, who had so many reasons to wonder why he was cursed; but he refused to accept any fate as hate! Instead, every circumstance or situation needs to be viewed as opportunities to express God's love and blessings; even the ones which might appear to be curses and disasters, everything that happens to God's children are going to be things that He will allow; and if He will allow it to happen, it has got to be good! Do you believe that to be so? Sometimes I refuse to accept it, in those times when I have done wrong or have sinned. When I trespass against the Lord, I am always looking over my shoulder for some sort of bad to happen; and if it did, even then, God would mean it for good... 
"We have an alter from which the priests in the Tabernacle have no right to eat. Under the old system, the high priest brought the blood of animals into the Holy Place as a sacrifice for sin, and the bodies of the animals were burned outside the camp. So also Jesus suffered and died outside the city gates to make his people holy by means of his own blood. So let us go out to him, outside the camp, and bear the disgrace he bore. For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come. Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name. And don't forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God." (Hebrews 13:10-16) NLT

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