Wednesday, June 21, 2017

"The Giver of Life"

"For all the gods of the nations are idols: but the LORD made the heavens." (Psalms 96:5)
As with most fables, they always seem to be built upon someone's life experience or something that might have happened; as if someone could have made something up based upon nothing, when it is usually something twisted off of something real. It's like when you line up a bunch of people in a line, tell a story to the second person, and then go to the end of the line, only to find out your story has been added to, taken away from, or somehow been made into something it was never meant to be. Well, that is pretty much how we get to where we are today; the lies not only become real, they are real because they have been fortified in the hearts of the people. There has got to be something that is unchanging; something that brings people back to the point or origin, or to the beginning. It is my opinion that something is the Word of God. The Bible is the only thing that we have which has been tested time and time again, and has been found to be unquestionably true. Oh, there are plenty of things in the Bible that people can pull out as unprovable, the biggest one being the statement with the verse above: "but the LORD made the heavens." People might ask me to prove how that statement is true, and I don't know that I can, except to point them to the Word of God. There are things written in God's word that have only recently been discovered, yet God Himself pointed them out long before Moses began putting the Books of the Law together. The Book of Job is considered to be the oldest written Book of the Bible; and yet, within that Book, God speaks of almost every aspect of His creation, from the smallest to the greatest. One of my favorite ones is the Treasure of the snow and hail; something that was not even discovered until the beginning of the 1900's; or the very earliest would be the end of the 1800's. These treasures were not discovered until the snowflakes could not only be magnified, but those magnified snowflakes could be photographed. It was only then that those flakes of snow could be compared one against the other, determining that no two flakes of snow were exactly alike. It is also rather interesting that it was not till the beginning of the 1900's that world war was made possible through flight; that nation could fight another nation, within just a matter of a few days, or even hours. That might seem like a very small conclusion, but it is magnified by the Giver of life; it's right there, written long ago...
""Have you visited the storehouses of the snow or seen the storehouses of the hail? (I have reserved them as weapons for the time of trouble, for the day of battle and war.)"" (Job 38:22-23) NLT

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