Thursday, June 15, 2017

"Reason" -2

"Unto whom I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest." (Psalms 95:11)
Usually the last verse of the Psalms will be a verse that sums up or expresses some sort of a exclamation to what was being said; I believe this verse does the same, if "Praise and Worship" is the true result of entering into God's rest. We always seem to carry so much baggage into our devotional times with God, yet we seldom truly leave without it. Maybe there are some things that we will always hold on to; maybe there are some things we are stuck with and keep reminding us of our true need for God's mercy and grace. Can I be holy? There is a way for us to be holy, only one way; and it requires that we be in Christ. If we are in Christ, then we are holy; if we are not in Christ, we are in darkness. That is the message of the Gospel, the Good News that needs to be preached to every generation. Yet, for some, it seems to have been watered down and mixed with all sorts of human ideas of getting around that simple message of the Truth. When David faced Goliath, he was not thinking about the power of the enemy he was going against, he was counting on the power of the God that he believed in. Elijah did not concern himself with the difficulty of making something happen, when he asked for water to be poured on the sacrifice and wood; he counted on the power of the One True God. There is the great difference in true holiness, true holiness is found in God! I doubt that we are ever going to fully get to the point where we don't have something in us that is preventing us from being completely holy; at least not here in this world. But we are made completely holy in Christ, even with those things that seem to make us unholy. It is really just a matter of giving it all to the Lord. Let the Lord take care of it; let Jesus change you and make you whole. I think it's a lot like that guy who was lame for thirty plus years, the one waiting for the water to stir and someone to put him in. Why worry about getting into the water, when you have the Living Water standing right beside you? Why keep trying to do it our way, or even the physical way, when the Way is all ready done? The Lord has already done all the heavy lifting, literally; He bore the entire weight of all of our sins as He hung upon that cross. He is the Rest...
"For only we who believe can enter his rest. As for the others, God said, "In my anger I took an oath: 'They will never enter my place of rest,'" even though this rest has been ready since he made the world. We know it is ready because of the place in the Scriptures where it mentions the seventh day: "On the seventh day God rested from all his work." But in the other passage God said, "They shall never enter my place of rest." So God's rest is there for people to enter, but those who first heard this good news failed to enter because they disobeyed God. So God set another time for entering his rest, and that time is today. God announced this through David much later in the words already quoted: "Today when you hear his voice, don't harden your hearts."" (Hebrews 4:3-7) NLT

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