Wednesday, October 16, 2013

"Taking Heat"

"False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not." (Psalms 35:11) You have to wonder where David is going with some of these verses, because he is up and down the charts with so many different things that can happen in our lives; basically, he is making the case for almost any situation that we might currently find ourselves walking in. But here's the thing that we must ultimately understand: God wants us to know how vulnerable we are to every situation in life, and how much we need His help through them all. That's right; He knows that we need Him, we just need to come to terms with that fact, and start needing Him! Take this situation for a good example of how much we need His help, because who can prevent a false witness against them, especially if you have no clue what you are being accused of? Now you might have to think about this a little while, because the implication being made goes beyond character or substance; we are taking about 'justification', which is something that only God can provide for us; and if we are justified in Christ, then the greatest charges anyone might lay against us are nothing but smoke and mirrors. Therefore, there is no threat to what really matters, which is our eternity; I mean, they might do something to harm what some people my believe about our character, or they might do something to disrupt our substance in this life, but nothing they can do will ever touch our eternal rewards, absolutely nothing. Now, if you have something to be guilty over, that's a different story; but if you don't, then the best thing to be done in your defense is nothing at all; just take the heat and go about your business to the best of your ability; believing in your heart that God is your defense, and that He will defend your case. Trying to defend false charges, especially false charges that you know nothing about, is an impossible thing to do, so don't even try! Just take the heat, smile, and trust in God; besides, it could happen to the Best..."He was oppressed, and He was afflicted, yet He opened not His mouth: He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so He openeth not His mouth." (Isaiah 53:7)

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