Monday, October 7, 2013

"Gaining Direction"

"Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the LORD chase them." (Psalms 35:5) Press towards that high calling, and let God deal with the opposition; that's how you deal with that! It's really not a matter of when you get to the place God has intended for you to be, it's more about the direction you are going, and whether or not that direction will take you there. Those that oppose you and that are against you becoming what God has called you into, they represent the opposite direction, and are in a way opposed to God; they may not think that they are, because maybe they also feel God has called them, but the proof is in the material world, and for what reason they base their calling on. If Saul was told that God was taking his kingdom from him and giving it to someone else, then why was he trying to hold onto it? David on the other hand, saw the direction he was headed for, and had trust that God would bring it to be in His time; meanwhile, David would do those things that would be fitting for a king, especially a king that would rule justly. When it comes to serving the Lord, we need His help in keeping our focus on our direction; there are just so many things in this world that can pull us off track, and many of them can lead us in the wrong direction, if we allow it to happen. God can and will remove those things from our lives, if we simply ask Him to do it; but that's the thing, we don't want Him to remove some things, at least not until we don't want them any more. The problem is in our perspective of the direction we are meant to be going, and how much we need to be stripped of all that opposes that direction; does it fit into that which we see our selves becoming? If not, then let God strip it from your life! Could it be any simpler than that? God can dissolve what is in opposition to His will, and chase it out of your life, if you simply ask Him to do it. The more we get rid of that  which opposes the direction we are meant to be going, the greater we move in the right direction; it's not rocket science, just osmosis... "Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling: for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do His good pleasure." (Philippians 2:12 & 13)

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