Wednesday, October 9, 2013

"Gaining Perspective" -2

"Let their way be dark and slippery: and let the angel of the LORD persecute them." (Psalms 35:6) Had I been David, I might have chosen to say, Let me persecute them; but that's not what was in David's heart. David was not the kind of a man that would want to take the place of God when it comes to judging someone; nor would he want anyone taking God's place when it comes to judging him. Now then; when it comes to gaining perspective on what we are not only called to do, but also what we are called to be, the closer we draw to God, the better our perspective becomes. Everyone should know that; at least you would think that they do; but it's hard to know how that works, if you are not drawing closer to God! Saul was definitely not drawing closer to God; and much like David is saying, his way was becoming dark and slippery; and very soon he would be persecuted by the angel of the LORD. David on the other hand was gaining perspective on the throne, and seeing himself as king more clearly than ever before. As with the Scripture that I closed with yesterday from Jeremiah, if we listen to God, we can see what it is that He has made for us; taking the place of what it is that we think we need to make, we can actually see that it is God, not us, that must be busy making us into His vessel: His vessel will be glorious, holy, and praise worthy; the one which we make, well, it becomes pretty much useless. Why is that exactly? Well, what are we going to use to make ourselves a vessel unto God? Works; our righteousness; maybe try to purchase our way to becoming glorious by giving all of our money away; it's really all for nothing if God is not the Potter of the vessel. But how many times do we see, or think we see the vessel that God is making, and then think we can take it from there? You end up with Mr. Potatohead, with eyes where the ears are meant to be, and the mouth where the nose goes, and it's just all wrong; all because we choose not to listen anymore because we thought we had it all figured out... "For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh." (Philippians 3:3)

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