Monday, October 14, 2013

"Only God!"

"All my bones shall say, LORD, who is like unto Thee, which deliverest the poor from him that is too strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from him that spoileth him?" (Psalms 35:10) We really need to get to the place where we know our place; and where we realize that God is the one with all the power! What are we compared to such a Mighty God? I mean, really; have you looked up at the stars lately? I know that they may not look that impressive in some areas, mostly because of all the light pollution from the man made lights that come from our cities; but even still, if you gaze upon one star, it's enough to give you at least a little hint of where you are on the power meter, compared to the One that placed that star where it is, millions, maybe billions of miles away. And yet, at the same time, just the thought of that Mighty God taking the time to show us His attention, and to perform even the smallest miracle in any of our lives, isn't it enough to make us realize how attentive that He is to the secrets that we hold onto, as if nobody knows but us? Really? Sometimes I wonder how much God will tolerate before He says, Enough is enough! And yet, as you study the lives of many of the famous people that achieved great things, many of them were well within their upper years, say, their eighty's and ninety's; and yet God had given them the strength to do great things. I have to wonder if some of that had anything to do with what drove them, and what they could put all of their attention on; because man, I must admit, the amount of time we spend dealing with desires that we do not want to have, is enough to hold most anyone back from greatness; but you reach a certain age, and none of that really matters any more. When it comes to our need for deliverance, we are all in the "poor and the needy" category, even the strongest one's among us; and those that say they aren't, are the ones that don't want to be delivered. It kind of gives a whole new meaning to the "strength in weakness" side of our faith; because we can either make the choice to obey now while we are strong enough to see some of the fruit of our labor, or take the chance in God using us later, when we no longer are laboring to obey. Either way, the success of whatever is done, is based upon our weakness and God's strength; it's just such a shame that so many people wait until they are literally almost dead before they actually realize that is so... "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be bad." (Ecclesiastes 12:13 & 14)

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