Sunday, July 11, 2010

"Peace Like A River"

There is a place that you can get to where you know that 'All Is Well'. It is here, that Peace has it's dwelling place, and there is no doubt in my mind when I am there. This is a place which is like none other, because when I am here I feel the real comfort of all that Jesus has done for me; I get that feeling which is worthy of the expression: "No worries Mate". One of the titles given onto our Lord and Saviour is 'The Prince of Peace'. Specifically, the main reason for the Jewish Nation to look for their coming Messiah was for peace; because that is what they believed, that when the Messiah came and set up His Kingdom, then there would be peace. However, Jesus has made it abundantly clear that Now is the time for peace; peace which passes all understanding; which really means that you have so much peace that it goes beyond the definition of what you need the peace for. Why is this peace so unending? Because He is; and all that He has established is; and all that there is in store for us, for all eternity. Why is peace like a river? I spent several hours last night just pondering this thought; and no matter how much I thought about it, I still kept seeing the same thing over and over in my mind: The River just kept on moving! I think I know where the term "This too will pass" came from, it was from this illustration of the River; because whether you are on the river floating down it, or on it's bank watching it go by, anything and everything is always moving past you. Trials come and trials go, seasons come and seasons go; but no matter what may happen in this life we know that He is waiting with open arms at the end of that River. I can say with all that is within me, that I know His Peace; that I have tasted His Peace and have been able to experience what it feels like to be there; and because I have, I can go there anytime I may feel that I am not there. What that means is that because I know what His Peace feels like, I just need to seek it when ever it is not there. We all know when we do not have the Peace of God, because when we don't there is uncertainty and doubt. But when we do have His Peace, then there is rest, tranquility, and a way of happiness; which really can not be explained, but must be experienced in order to know it. All that I know is this: When we put our faith in Jesus Christ, we are placed in a place that is eternal, and because it is eternal, anything and everything that could, should or would affect us and make us worry has been reduced to a piece of floating debris. "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." (John 14:27)

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