Thursday, July 15, 2010

"Peace In God"

"These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." (John 16:33) This Jesus told his disciples the night He was arrested, knowing full well all that was going to happen; but they still did not have a clue. Even though He had been instructing them about those events which were going to take place, they just could not understand what it all meant. When Jesus said, "I have overcome the world", what a shock it must have been to them in the hours to follow, that He would be arrested, and then go through all that He did; all the way to and on the cross. And yet He instructed them to "Be of Good Cheer". This is a prime example of what "All Things" mean; for when God says "All" He means "All"; what better picture can we have of how this present suffering can lead to good, then the illustration that Jesus provided to them on this night. If we ever think that we are suffering through something, and that we can not see how it is working for the good, we must remember what He suffered through for us, and how lost and alone His disciples felt after His death on the cross. Sure, we might have some trials here and there, but what they would suffer through later in their lives was death and punishment; and yet, they would all have peace through it all. Why? The Holy Ghost is why! The Comforter, which is given unto us all, is the One that gives us that Peace which will bring us through any and all of what the world can bring against us. We so often forget that He is in us as we face whatever trial it is that we are going through; and more than that, we forget that He is there to comfort us in our sufferings. Really, I think it is not that we forget, but that we are so focused on our situation, that we do not give Him a chance to really comfort us. Because to feel His comfort, we must take our minds off of our situation and put it upon Him, which is sometimes not easy to do while we are suffering through something. Maybe it is because we might feel that we are being punished by God for something, or that, what we are going through is the result of sin. But Jesus said, "In this world you will have tribulation", and He said that for a reason, so that we would know that we are suffering because He suffered; and yet we are to be of good cheer because He has overcome the world. Because we are in God, we will share in His suffering; but because He is in us, we will also overcome; therefore we must be of good cheer and believe that "All" means "All": period! "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." (Romans 8:18)

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