Friday, July 30, 2010

"Faint Not; Be Profitable" 2

Here is a quote that you may have heard, "Never Let a Good Crisis go to Waste". Now where have you heard that? Well not that I agree with those that said it, or why they said it; but I think it really points to what I said yesterday about Job, and his missed opportunity. I was not there, so I can not testify about what happen; but I kind of wonder why his three friends showed up, and exactly how long he was sitting there on the ground. Listen, this was a moment to give God everything that he had left in him; why is that? Really, what did he have left to do that would make things seem better, than to give God glory. It's kind of like what Pastor Gene says, "It's easier to give God the Glory, than to take the blame". Here we have a man who served God, and believed enough to offer sacrifice for his children's secret sins of their hearts, and trusted God to take care of them; but yet when all is striped away, he forgets that God takes care of him also. Again, I am not judging Job, his three friends did enough of that; but on the other hand, this was a time which would have been best served to give God glory, than if he had just won the lottery. Why would I say that? There are people who watch our lives! This is more important than you may know; but there are people around us, who want to believe that there is more to this life; and they look to you to prove it! "Show me the money"; that is what they are saying! Let me see the proof in your life that there is a God that you believe in, then I will believe what you say is true. What does it mean to be 'Salt' and 'Light'? To be testimonies of God's kingdom; even though we may not feel things are going great in our lives right here, right now, we must not faint; because when we do, we give the enemy what he wants. I don't think that Satan went before God anymore about Job after he sat on the ground; he did not need to, because Job had stopped praising God, and had started his pity party. Sure, there were things that he said while seated on the ground that gave praise to God, but really, how can you give God praise with your lips, while with your actions you show forth a heart of despair? I think people watching our lives want to see a little more proof than that. They want to see God matters more; they really want to believe that there is a God, and that what He offers means more than this life; but from where will they see it? Not from our rejoicing in our wealth! But from our rejoicing in how Great our God is, even after all has been striped away! That shows them that there is more, and that we believe it!!! "For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man; That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth, and the length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God." (Ephesians 3:14-19)

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