Friday, July 23, 2010

"The Joy In Living Right" - 2

Really it is all about Love! Jesus is still asking, "Do you Love Me? He asked Peter this three times, and many agree that it was because Peter denied Jesus three times the night He was arrested. However, I believe it was for another reason also that He asked him three times: For Peter's three part role in the church; as a Shepard, Pastor, and Teacher; for Jesus had instructed Peter when He first meet him that he would be a 'rock, upon which He would build His church'. Where Jesus was the Rock, and Peter, He referred to as the little rock, or stone. Today, Jesus is still asking us the same question: "Do you Love Me?"; only this question is based upon our ability to love Him more than those things which cause us to be moved away from Him. Have you ever denied Jesus? I know I have. I have denied Him in my public appearances; doing the wrong things, in the wrong places. These are things which cause others to stumble, and make the power of God of less importance in the eyes of those that witness my conduct. We must always remember that we are called to be Light and Salt; which means that we must live our lives to shine and enhance the power of God in our lives, for other to see and to taste. "Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the Word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever." (Hebrews 13:7 & 8)

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