Monday, July 26, 2010

"Ordained = Design"

The word for 'Ordain' in the Greek is 'Tithemi'; which has a basic meaning: To set, put, place, or lay. Particularly, to set, put, place, or lay a person or thing; as to set food on a table. It also means to purpose, propose, or design: To lay upon, or attribute something to someone. Without getting into some major discussion on how we were chosen, or whether or not we have a choice in the matter, I believe that we are chosen by God before we were even born. How that all works out, is really something which will be revealed in the end, but for now, we must just know that He has chosen us. And because He has chosen us, He has ordained us for His specific purpose; which really means, that He causes the things which we go through to work towards the purpose that He has ordained. Now, I know that some things which I go through, or get into, are not specifically good for my walk in Him, but somehow, He will cause that too to be turned towards the good. How that works, I really don't think we can figure out, especially while we are going through it. But we must know, and believe that we are His children; and as His children, just like our own children, sometimes we do the wrong things, or make the wrong choices. When we do, it is as if God is saying, "Okay, so you want to see where this will lead you; let Me instruct you". On the other hand, His purpose for our lives are worked out in us, even through the things which He may not have wanted us to go through; but rather what He will allow us to go through. When I look back upon my life as a whole, there are a lot of things which I wish I had never done; and I am sure that He also wishes that too; but whatever, I am still His child, and He is mindful of the things which I go through, and ultimately He is in control. Because of this fact, we can bring forth fruit; fruit which brings Him glory; which is not based upon the things which we do, but is based upon the grace we have been given. It really comes down to a life that is surrendered to Him, and for His purpose for our lives. When we make the wrong choices, He reminds us through those things that we must be surrendered to His will; so, although it may not specifically be for the good, it will work towards the good in the long run. Our God is a really Big God!!! "Ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth Fruit, and that your Fruit should remain; that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in My Name, He may give to you." (John 15:16)

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