Friday, April 12, 2019

"Spoiler Alert"

"I rejoice at thy word, as one that findeth great spoil." (Psalms 119:162)

  Talk about responsibility, what more can we do or say to make known the kindness of our God; it should be enough to take our breath away, let alone make us have the words to speak. If you notice the word "at" and how it changes that meaning to a direction. One might assume that it means the ability to read the word, as in looking at the pages with the passages written upon them; but I think it means something entirely more thrilling and important! This word means utterance, which is what David receives from the LORD, spoken words of encouragement and promises that extend far beyond this mortal existence! There is a song by Mercy Me that describes some of what this might look like, it is called "Grace Got you," and it says, "Smile, like you got away with something. Why? 'Cause you just got away with something, Ever since, ever since, Grace got you." Matthew Henry puts the old-school twist on this, by saying, "By the word of God we become more than conquerers, that is, unspeakable gainers." If the parable of the buried treasure and the very beautiful pearl were about you and I, then this would speak to that excitement: Sell all that you have and grab as much of it as you can, because this is too good to be true! Do you not know how much God loves you? Take into consideration all the terrible things that you have ever done, and then remind yourself how God not only knew them beforehand, but He marked you as one of His own, even knowing what He knew! Talk about a spoiler alert! We might think that if and when we make it to heaven we will be feeling such relief, saying, 'Lord, I was really worried there for a moment,' but the Lord will reply, 'I was never worried about you making it, because you have been here all alone! We have always been one!' Okay, so that might be over the top, to say the least; but think about the possibilities...

""And I give myself as a holy sacrifice for them so they can be made holy by your truth. "I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message. I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one -as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me. "I have given them the glory you gave me, so they may be one as we are one. I am in them and you are in me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me. Father, I want these whom thou have given me to be with me where I am. Then they can see all the glory you gave me because you loved me even before the world began."" (John 17:19-24) NLT

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