Thursday, April 4, 2019

"By My Side"

"Plead my cause, and deliver me: quicken me according to thy word." (Psalms 119:154)

  For all the different changes that take place in our lives, there must be something consistent that we can keep holding onto and counting on to be there, time and time again. The way I see it, if we put all of our trust in the Lord, regardless of the ways things might appear, He never leaves us or forsakes us, ever! This is really a pretty simple concept to understand; again, based upon three very clear things to keep at the forefront of our minds. As mentioned yesterday, the trouble we have in not forgetting God's law, is this thick head and hard heart. If it was easy to do, Jesus would not have had to do what He did on that cross. For the most part, we do not set out to purpose in our hearts to forget His law; it pretty much just happens when we stray from the path that we are meant to be on. I am really not all that convinced that we can walk away from the Lord; at least not without some drastic measure of rebellion or something that is not easy to overlook. I am totally convinced that once we are the Lord's possession, He is not letting us go! Things might get terribly tuff, and we may have to experience something that breaks our stoney heart; but in the end, He will get us through to the other side. At least that is my understanding; for what its worth. Which brings me to this part about Him pleading my cause. We have an Advocate who cannot be overruled! If there is one thing that can cause us to slip away, it is the thought of not having proper representation for our defense. There are so many people I have met that are in or have been in this condition, feeling as though the Lord has abandoned them for the sin they might have committed against Him. What a terrible place to be, and for all the wrong reasons! There is absolutely nothing that we can do that cannot be forgiven, as long as we have the breath within us to ask Him for forgiveness! Turning away from that is the biggest mistake that we can make; because He has already forgiven us, we just need to receive and enter into forgiveness! Jesus forgave those that put Him upon the cross, saying to the Father, "Father, forgive them: for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34) What say you? Wasn't forgiveness offered first, before they could even ask for it? So basically, all that was required for them to receive the forgiveness offered to them was to accept it by asking for it; simple as that! He has already pled our cause, we simply need to ask Him to deliver us! The rest is more than something that makes perfect sense: according to His word, we have been given life, eternal life at that. How can anyone ever walk away from that...

"My dear children, I am writing this to you so that you will not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate who pleads our case before the Father. He is Jesus Christ, the one who is truly righteous. He himself is the sacrifice that atones for our sins -and not only our sins but the sins of all the world." (1 John 2:1-2) NLT

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