Saturday, April 27, 2019

"A Prayer for Deliverance"

PSALMS 120 "A Song of Degrees."

  It seems like it has been so long, I forgot how to set this up. Whether or not the writer of this Psalm is speaking of himself or others, it really does not matter; the main point that I get from this is that he is praying for his soul. Those of us that might have suffered through any sort of tragedy, understand that deliverance for whatever that might have been, does not guarantee anything; we are still going to face another, sooner or later. All of the people that Jesus healed, all ended up dying in the end; their day came and went, and whatever they were healed of really did not matter at the end of their life. But, what did matter from the experience of being healed was the testimony of the being healed. It is believed that this Psalms was penned by David, as it closely resembles Psalms 52, which was about the accusations of Doeg's from 1 Samuel 22. That being said, we have an accuser of our own; none other than the devil, who not only accuses us, but has as his intension to cause us to be discouraged from our consistent failures and feelings of being a terrible servant of the Lord. As was the meaning put forth in the last post, we must own what we are! If we expect to be protected by God, then we must become humble and accept that we are a wreck, a sinner, and in desperate need of God's mercy and grace. But above all else, we must believe that He loves us, unconditionally loves us! There is absolutely nothing that we can do to add to or take away from our salvation; because our salvation is not based upon our own merit, it is completely made available to us by the righteousness of Jesus Christ. What part of free don't we understand? It is free; a free gift that God gives us because He loves us! Real deliverance is measured by how long it will last. The last I checked, eternity is the longest lasting deliverance that there is. So, if you are wondering what "Degrees" might represent, look no further than the degree of time, as in, how long will this deliverance last...

"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38-39)

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