Tuesday, December 10, 2013

"The Way of the Wicked"

"There are the workers of iniquity fallen: they are cast down, and shall not be able to rise." (Psalms 36:12) If ever you need to be picked up out of the ditch, there is only one way that you can rise up, and that is if God picks you up! It is only God that can restore a broken vessel; and the way of the wicked is to refuse God's restoration. That my friend is where the workers of iniquity have fallen, by not accepting God's perfect plan of salvation, and refusing to humble themselves under the mighty hand of God. God has provided everything we need to be holy and to demonstrate our love for Him; we actually have it easier than those that lived before Christ ascended up into heaven, because before then, Jesus had not sent the Holy Spirit to help us. But, as with every stubborn bit of pride we have within us, we fail to ask for the help that we need; or when we do ask for the help, we fail to do our part in making it work. For example: How do we walk in the Spirit? If we are walking in the Spirit, then we mind the things of the Spirit; when we mind the things of the Spirit, then we have the things of the Spirit on our minds; which actually means that we do not think upon those things that cause us to be workers of iniquity, because they are contrary to the working of the Holy Spirit. Paul uses a little question in Romans 6:1 to describe what this means, as he says, "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?" If we have been crucified in Christ, we too have been raised with Him to walk in the newness of life; a newness that requires us to walk in the power of His glory, and to be filled with His Spirit; therefore, not only do we not sin any longer, but we don't think upon sin either, because it no longer has a place in our life. Matt Fox shared something of other day that made me look at Galatians 5 in a whole new light; as he said something to the effect, that 5:18 speaks about the fact that we are delivered from the law, therefore we do not any longer live under the law, nor the threat of it's judgments, therefore we do not any longer need to focus on the law as far as touching anything that falls under the law; but instead, we are to focus of the fruits of the Spirit. In that light, those things listed by Paul as the "works of the flesh", they are things that are contrary to the fruits of the Spirit, which are not only avoided, but they are not dwelt upon, considered, or even worried about, because they are not part of the Spirit. It is God's desire for us to walk in the meekness of knowing that we can do nothing outside of Christ; absolutely no way that we can walk in the Spirit, or stand against the hand of the wicked. Therefore, those that are the workers of iniquity, are those that try and do it some other way then God's way, because only God's way removes the law, by which the flesh is judged; and if we try and do anything in our own flesh, then we are judged by the law...Ouch!!!
"As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him: rooted and built up in Him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." (Colossians 2:6-8)

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