Wednesday, December 18, 2013

"The Glory Road"

"Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass." (Psalms 37:5) There are a couple different ways that we can view this portion of Scripture; most will take it to mean that we are to do whatever we set out to do as unto the Lord, trust Him, and then He will prosper us in our endeavor. I know that is how I viewed it when I began in business; as a matter of fact, it was displayed on a poster I once kept beside my desk. It's kind of like the previous verse, whereby we take a Scripture that sounds like God will give us everything we want, if we just delight ourselves in Him; when really, what God wants for us is the primary reason that we seek Him and commit our way to Him. I heard an interesting story yesterday, of a man that had fallen over a cliff, to begin a 1,500 foot fall; and on the way down he grabbed a root, which stopped the fall; but the root was rotten and was failing; so he began to cry out for help; and after a few desperate cries, someone answered from up above, saying, I am here. The man answered, Who are you? and voice answered, I am God. So the man asked, Can you help me? and God answered, Yes I can. So the man asked again, Will you help me? and God answered, Yes I will. And then the man asked, What am I suppose to do? and God answered, Let go of the root; to which the man replied, Is there anyone else up there! That might sound like a funny story, but in all seriousness, that is what it means to "Commit" unto God! We are dangling off the side of a cliff, in which there is no hope of survival; we cannot pull ourselves up, and when that root gives out, we are going to fall to our death; but God, who is rich in grace and mercy, not only can save us, but is more than willing to save us, if we just let go and trust Him. And this is not just a once in a lifetime event; this is ongoing all the way to glory. As we go down this road, we are repeatedly finding these cliffs that we are hanging there from, and each time, it's a new commitment and another way to trust in God for another part of our journey; all the way down the glory road... "Into Thine hand I commit my spirit: Thou hast redeemed me, O LORD God of truth." (Psalms 31:5)

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