Monday, December 16, 2013

"Our Real Delight"

"Delight thyself also in the LORD; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart." (Psalms 37:4) What are the desires of thine heart? Well, how about world peace? Okay, maybe just peace in your world would be nice, right? But here's the thing: Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace; and not only does He bear the name, but He can give you the same; in other words, you can not only know peace, but you can live it out also, as an ambassador of His peace unto others; that is, if you could just slow your life down a little and take the time to care about others. That might not sound like something much to consider, but it has been placed upon my heart as one on my biggest problems; I am always in a hurry to be somewhere else! It's kind of like I have something else to do where ever I go, and I am always running behind to get there; therefore, I never seem to have the time to care what is going on in somebody else's life; maybe because I can barely keep up with my own. Maybe taking the time to pray with someone that you know might be hurting; as simple of a thing as that might sound, it can maybe add a little peace into their life, if not just for a few hours or so. But here is the ticket to get onto that ride: "Delight thyself also in the LORD"! These four verses, from verse three to verse six, are pretty much our establishment verses; we start off with an introduction of what not to do, then we receive instruction on the things we aught to be doing, and then we will again see the difference this will make in our lives. The word "also" is kind of like saying, in addition to trusting in the Lord and doing good, delight in Him also. However, this word "Delight", it has something of a twist to the root of it's meaning, because the word is used 10 times in the original Scriptures, and it's root meaning is to live softly and delicately, and then it is to delight oneself, or to be glad in any thing. It's kind of like that phrase, Taking the time to smell the roses; whereas, you really can't delight in something, if you cannot send any time in something... 'Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness." (Isaiah 55:2)  

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