Sunday, December 1, 2013

"The Fountain of Life" -Really!

"For with Thee is the fountain of life: in Thy light shall we see light." (Psalms 36:9) Okay, don't know exactly how I messed up "Fountain" with foundation, but it might have worked out somehow; it's just not the right word for this particular verse. People have longed for and sought the so called Fountain of Youth; there have even been some that have tried to sell bottled up water, as if it were somehow taken from such a place; but Jesus wasn't trying to sell anything that would perform miracles to enhance our living conditions upon this earth; although, having peace, joy and love do make for a better living condition. In the reality of living out our lives in Christ, we are going to be faced with suffering loss and hardships as much as anyone else will face; the only difference between us and those that don't know Jesus, is we can look forward to a perfect tomorrow, no matter what this life might throw at us. I don't understand why some Christians walk around complaining about all the things wrong in their life; you ask them how they are doing, and they just start unloading all of their problems on you, as if God has placed a dark cloud over them. We have abundant life in Christ, not abundant hardships! Sure, we are bound to have some hardships, it's all about living in a fallen world; but that doesn't mean we are to lose our peace, joy and love that we have been given; just the opposite is true, because our peace, joy and love what counters the effects of living in this fallen world. If you want to experience the joy that knowing Christ has to offer, then start focusing upon your life in Christ, not the life that surrounds you in this world. As with any water that is flowing, it flows because it is not restricted by anything, such as a dam or a valve that shuts it off. That is something true of this "Fountain of Life" that is within us also; we are receiving a flow and we must be a conduit that allows the flow to continue..."For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me the foundation of Living Waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water." (Jeremiah 2:13)

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