Wednesday, November 6, 2013

"Not Confounded"

"Let them not say in their hearts, Ah, so would we have it: let them not say, We have swallowed him up." (Psalms 35:25) To not be ashamed carries with it something that assures us that we can stand before God and be fully exposed; something like that requires that we be clothed in Light, just as He is Light, which requires us to be free from the darkness associated with sin. Since the very beginning of the fall of man, man has tried to cover up his own sin, and has tried to hide from God; just as Adam and Eve had done in the garden, as they covered their nakedness with fig leaves, and then hid when they heard God approaching. We can know when we are dirty or not, it's pretty much obvious to our conscience when we have sinned against God; but as soon as we are exposed to God, or when God is near, then we feel as though our sin is exposed for all to see, especially God. Covering our sin really does nothing but give us more shame; not only do we have the sin, but now we have compounded the sin by guilt, and we have made our condition worse by the efforts to hide it. Take Adam and Eve, who after partaking of the fruit, saw their nakedness and tried to hide it with fig leaves; not really thinking about how they were made by God, they just tried to hide what was obvious to them; but when God sees them, He sees His creation as ashamed of the way that they were made, which is in a way being ashamed of their Creator who made them that way. It's a lot like Job saying, "I wish that I had never been born" (Job 3:3), which is to declare that your life is wasted, and that you are without fulfillment or purpose based on your current circumstance. If we truly believe that God has called us and predestined us for His special purposes, then we must realize that every circumstance or situation that we might find ourselves in, is nothing that can overtake God's plan for our lives. Besides, Who is the One in control?
"Wherefore also it is contained in the Scripture, Behold, I lay in Zion a Chief Cornerstone, Elect, Precious: and he that believeth on Him shall not be confounded." (1 Peter 2:6)

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