Thursday, November 28, 2013

"Abundant Goodness"

"They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of Thy house; and Thou shalt make them drink of the river of Thy pleasures." (Psalms 36:8) Contrast the goodness of God compared to the wickedness of our hearts; it's hardly even something that comes close be being balanced out: God's goodness so far surpasses and overcomes our wickedness, it's almost laughable to even try and compare the two. For those of us that abide in the shadow of His wings, the wickedness of our hearts is completely overshadowed by His goodness; so much so, that we are completely satisfied, and there is no need to look any further for something to satisfy our wicked desires, because the wickedness has been overcome. What that means for those of us that still suffer with wicked desires, (if that might be something you are dealing with), is that we need to abide deeper under the shadow of His wings. Simply put; if you are struggling to resist being tempted, then you need to get more protection; much as a young chick that is feeling threatened will retreat further under the mother's wing, so too is the response that we must have. This works the same with being threatened as it does with being weak, because they both involve weakness and vulnerability. God wants us to count on Him for His protection! If we start thinking that we are beyond needing His protection, whether it's from without or from our own wicked desires, we are outside of His covering; we have stepped outside the shadow of His wings, and are not trusting in Him alone, but have put trust in ourselves; not such a good idea! Again, this is all about choice; how we choose to rest in the Lord, is based totally up to us; some of us learn to rest in Him to live, while others, are forced to rest because of failure. I think it is also very interesting how God will make us to do certain things after we choose the right choice; for example, those that are satisfied with the fatness of His house, are made to drink of the river of His pleasure..."Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance, both young men and old together: for I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them, and make them rejoice from their sorrow." (Jeremiah 31:13)

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