Wednesday, August 19, 2015


"Let the people praise Thee, O God; let all the people praise Thee." (Psalms 67:5) As I was saying, it really makes a difference to someone that is lost and dying, if the person that is trying to hand them a way up, does not appear to be lost and dying them self. It makes a difference that we have something tangible to offer them, something that they can grab hold of, as in examine that it is real. You know, there is one sure thing about the Word of God, it is tested! All the other books that have been written do not stand up against the Word of God, because God's Word is alive; God's Word is life-giving, and it is 100% truth. The chances are, if someone does not feel like praising God, it is because they do not know the truth of His Word; if they did, then they would absolutely be praising Him! I once had a discussion with a brother about whether you can know who Jesus is before you except Him into your heart, or whether He is revealed after. It was a pretty intense discussion, because we both made a pretty good arguments on either side. I had the side of knowing before, and he had the side of knowing after. His side of the argument was predicated on the John 3:3, where Jesus tells Nicodemus, "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." My side of the argument was based upon Paul's transformation on the road to Damascus, as well as my own experience when I came to accept Him into my own heart; both of which were based upon the fact that Jesus revealed who He was; that He was God, our Creator, and also our Redeemer. My argument was based upon the fact that you cannot actually reach out to the one who will save you, until you actually know in your heart that He can save you. While my brother suggested that our reaching out is an act of faith, by which we really don't know for sure if He will, until we actually take that step of faith. Maybe as a small child I had accepted Christ into my heart, and when I saw who He was, I was just coming home; but all that I know, is that He was real, He was so real, that it broke me to look upon His outstretched arms, as I pictured my Creator nailed upon that cross. Just as it broke Paul's heart to realize that it was the one he helped crucify, who was actually the God that he had studied about from his youth. So who was right? Can a person actually reach out to something that he does not know is actually there, or is He revealed to us first, that we might grab hold of Him? My interpretation of the Gospel, is that Christ must be revealed, and He has made Himself known. The real question that needs to be asked, What are you going to do with what has been revealed? PRAY...
"Pray like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven." (Matthew 6:9-10) NLT  

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