Monday, July 7, 2014

"In Life and In Death"

"Yea, for Thy sake are we killed all the day long; we are counted as sheep for the slaughter." (Psalms 44:22) Once we give our lives to Jesus Christ, we are no longer our own, and our life is no longer something that we control, even though we think sometimes we have control of it. This is something that many of us forget, as we make plans for this, or we plan for that, we sometimes fail to ask the question, What will You have me to do, Lord? We might ask Him during spiritual issues, like where we are to fellowship, or what He would have us to share; but Jesus would have us seek His guiding for all of our daily lives, including what we should wear, whom we should hang out with, or even what we should let into our minds. I know that might sound a little legalistic, but the simple truth of the matter is, our life is not our own, we are the property of Jesus Christ. I know it might sound a little old fashion, seeing how many churches are becoming more and more liberal in the way they let the world dictate how they teach, or how they view God's standards for our lives; but God changes not (Malachi 3:6); it is man that changes his view of God, and what God's standards might be for their lives, which is usually based upon the desires of their hearts, not how they interpret the word of God. What seems to be the case, is that they determine what they want to believe, and then they distort God's word to closely alien with what they believe, instead of letting God's word determine what they should believe. This is a very slippery slop, and there is no net to catch us when we fall, as harsh as that might sound. I base that statement upon the fact that God's word must be the standard upon which we live our lives, not manipulated to match the standard of this world; otherwise, if we fail to hold God's word to be the standard, then upon what are we basing our promise of eternal life? Is His word that in which our life is made manifest, or is it the world? Just saying... "Ye have wearied the LORD with your words. Yet ye say, Wherein have we wearied Him? When ye say, Every one that doeth evil is good in the sight of the LORD, and He delighteth in them; or, Where is the God of judgment?" (Malachi 2:17)

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