Tuesday, April 23, 2013


"The voice of the LORD shaketh the wilderness; the LORD shaketh the wilderness of Kadesh." (Psalms 29:8) Some might think this odd, but God already knows who are His people and what their potentials are; therefore, the manner of prospecting is not for exploration, but rather for expectations. What are your expectations of God? Not everyone knows what they are expected to do by God, but we all have our own ministry that we are expected to fulfill; something that God has specifically intended for your life, and that is planted deep within your DNA. I know that might sound strange and kind of like psycho-babble, but your code is made by God, and God has made you for a specific purpose and for His specific pleasure! The thing that is unfortunate, is that most of us never reach our full potential, and many of us never even get revealed for what that potential might be; like diamonds in the rough waiting to be mined and refined, and laying in wait for something to unearth them, but never quite getting discovered. This is not God's fault; He is not the one who has buried us beneath all the earthen sand or stone; but rather, it's all the earthly stuff that we have placed around ourselves; that's what has hidden the jewel that is within each and every one of us. Another thing which should be considered, is that we are all born in sin, and included in the curse handed down by our fathers, is the fact that we are born separated from God; although we are all born this way, it is God's intention that we be turned and brought back into a relationship with Him. It's pretty interesting how that works; but it is way too mysterious to try and figure out: how we are all made from God, by God, and for God, yet we are separated from God because of sin; and it is God's will that we be reunited with His Spirit, yet He has still provided for our free will to have a choice. Regardless of that free choice, God will still be persistent, and He will prospect us up from beneath the earth..."And the LORD their God shall save them in that day as the flock of His people: for they shall be as the stones of a crown, lifted up as an ensign upon His land." (Zechariah 9:16)  

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