Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I can't begin to tell you how hard I wept yesterday morning; as soon as I hit the last key in the closing line of my blog, I was instantly shaken to my very core. I don't know if it was a collective result of everything that I said, or just those final seven words, but whatever it was, God flashed His great love before my heart in an instant, and it was all that I could do to just hit the 'Publish' key and get off my computer right away. Suddenly, my life flashed before me in an instant, and I quickly saw all those times when I desperately cried out to God in the midst of a storm; I even picture a perfect image of my wife, as she laid there in bed in the other room; all instantly flashing before me in an instant; all things relevant to my need to God's great and mighty deliverance. God does definitely speak through the storms in our lives; more so than we often realize!
It is in those times when we cling closer to our Father's heart, because we are desperate to be held by His loving arms. I pray that you never have to suffer anything of great lose in order to get there, but I also pray that you experience the closeness that it can bring you to the Father's heart if you get to. That is what knowing Jesus is all about!!! That is what Paul was referring to in Galatians 6, and how important the message of the cross is for those of us that believe: the perfect storm! It was the storm of our Lord Jesus Christ, who cried out for deliverance so hard, that His body had blood sweating forth from His pores; when was the last time that you cried out that hard? It is a sign of not only great deliverance, but of great conquest rising up from a fierce and devastating storm; a storm that was so devastating, that the entire earth was shaken, the skies were darkened, and graves were opened up to release their captives. I don't think I can remember ever participating in any storm such as that; not even in my must devastating storm, was my storm passed into all the earth; it primarily just involved me, and was quickly swept away, just as the parting of the clouds. As we prepare to enter into this next Psalm, we need to prepare our hearts as one would prepare his house to be moved into; knowing that our home is built upon a Sure Foundation, we can take great comfort in knowing that even though our home might get destroyed from fire, rain, or any other form of devastation, that our Sure Foundation will always remain...

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