Friday, April 5, 2013

"Our Direction"

"Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity, which speak peace to their neighbors, but mischief is in their hearts." (Psalms 28:3) It's not just who you know, and what you believe in your heart, that will get you towards your destination, but it also has something to do with the direction that you are going; in other words, where is your heart determined for? Are you determined to do all that you can to get to into heaven? or, are you doing what you want, and hoping that grace gets you in? This too is something that we must petition the Lord to help us overcome! We never should leave anything for chance; and we surely don't want to be left behind; therefore, we must make it the determination of our heart to do whatever it takes to ensure that nothing is left to chance, and that requires asking God to help us overcome all the barriers that are in our way! The direction that we are determined to be going is primarily measured by the desire of our heart; if our heart desires worldly pleasures, then that's the direction we will determine to go. We might not even realize the path we have determined in our hearts to set out for, that is, until it has already taken us so far away from God, that we find ourselves stranded in the wilderness. Looking back upon my own life, there are many things that I determined in my heart to pursue that took me in the direction away from heaven; primarily, the big one was my career in the Pest Control industry. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that we should not pursue a career and provide an adequate home for our family; but how much do we invest in that career? and I am not talking about money when it comes to investing, I am talking about our time and our devotion. Sometimes, we can get into a funk, where we might actually begin to judge our spiritual life by our successful we are in our business; not even realizing that our spiritual life is being totally neglected, and that we have placed our trust in our business and no longer are trusting God for our every day needs. Believe me when I say, This is not the direction that we want to be on! It's really not just an issue about your salvation; although, if you are saved, then I believe you will arrive at your destination; it's about your loved ones! Your wife, your children, your friends; all those that look to you as a spiritual leader, and have marked you as one that has received the Truth. The direction that we are determined to pursue becomes quite evident to those that are looking to us for leadership; and if we are not all that worried about getting overtaken by the world, then they may not also..."And she hath changed My judgments into wickedness more than the nations, and My statutes more than the countries that are around her: for they have refused My judgments and My statutes, they have not walked in them." (Ezekiel 5:6)

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