Sunday, September 19, 2010

"True Regeneration"

"And God said, Let there be Light: and there was Light. And God saw the Light, that it was Good: and God divided the Light from the darkness." (Genesis 1:3 & 4) It is all God: He is the one that made the Light, provided the Light, sustains the Light, and separates the Light from the darkness; we just need to Truly believe in the Light. A True Believer, is one who has truly accepted God's Mercy; which means that we have truly accepted His forgiveness, which was provided to us by His Only Begotten Son upon the Cross. It goes far beyond just believing that Jesus came and died on the cross; it goes all the way to the Light. It is a matter of believing to such a degree, that the sin nature we have been born into, must be immersed in His Light; in other words, we must believe that Jesus truly did die on that cross for All of our sin, and then we must truly believe that God the Father has forgiven us totally of All that sin, which was taken on by His Son. All means All... Once we have truly accepted God's forgiveness, we are then washed in the Blood of the Lamb, and made a worthy vessel for the Holy Spirit to inhabit: God's Grace is then bestowed upon us; which then we must receive into our lives (meaning that we believe we have received it), and then walk it out. In the mean while, God is renewing and sustaining His Grace within us, by illuminating and strengthening our soul in fellowship with His Holy Spirit; as we continue to Grow in the Grace of God. It really is All His Doing, and it was totally accomplished upon the Cross; everything which must have been corrected, was corrected by the death of Jesus Christ upon the cross. How is that? (In case you were wondering.) It is all because of the darkness; which was brought on by sin: sin was the reason for death, separation from God, and the darkness. But God said, "Let there be Light, and there was Light"; which was His Son Jesus Christ, who He sent to us, in the form of a man. And then God saw that Light, "That it was Good"; because Jesus, whom, was without sin, and full of His Spirit, went upon the cross, to be a sacrifice worthy enough to take on the sins of the world. And then "God divided the Light from the darkness"; which means that He is purifying us, daily, and until the end; this is God's Grace, and it is all made possible by His Mercy. Mercy that was made available to us by the Blood of His Son on the cross; to pay the price for our sins; that we can be forgiven of that sin, by the Father. No more sin, means no more separation from God, which means no more death; and in the end, no more darkness!!! "Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a Good Work in you will perform (complete) it until the Day (establishment of full Light) of Jesus Christ." (Philippians 1:6)

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