Saturday, September 11, 2010

"He Knows My Frame"

Come to think of it, He knows me better than I know myself; and He definitely Knows more about me than I could ever know. This is what Peter realized the moment that rooster crowed, 'Jesus said that I would deny Him three times before that rooster crowed; how did He know that, when I could not foresee it myself?' Within the series of questions that Jesus asked Peter, "Do you Love Me?", the Lord ended each one, after Peter's response, with an instruction, which was really more of a command, "Feed My lambs", "Feed My sheep", "Feed My Sheep". Jesus started this instruction with 'lambs', which are baby sheep; but more than that, they represent an animal of sacrifice. It was in reference to His question, "Do you love Me more than these?", which this could have been in reference to; for as we know, only John actually died of old age; all the rest, including Peter, were martyred, (with the exception of Judas Iscariot, and that is still up for debate). There is another thing about baby sheep; they need to be nudged into the direction that they should go; sheep on the other hand, usually have a tendency to follow. Jesus instructed Peter, "Feed My sheep" twice; once after asking Peter, "Do you love Me?", the other, after asking Peter, 'Are you now My friend?'. It is important to know that Peter knew and understood, that Jesus knew what was in his heart; he got that now. But more than that: Peter came to realize, that Jesus did not hold the fact that he denied Him against him; especially when it came to 'Feeding His Sheep'; Why??? Lessons; that's why. It was about the lessons that Peter had learned, and how he was now better equipped to understand, share in, and disciple others, by these lessons that he had learned; this, just so happened to be a pretty big lesson. Because Peter, who, when Jesus first meet him, gave him a 'new name', "Cephas" (A stone); then while questioning him about his love, Jesus called him by the name He used before the 'new name', "Simon, son of Jonas". Why is this so significant? Well for one, Jesus called Peter; and even though it was his brother Andrew that brought him to Jesus, it was Jesus that declared upon seeing him, "Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas" (John 1:42); and, as Peter came to understand (by experience), Jesus knew everything about him, the moment He called him into the ministry. Which means, that the moment Jesus called him, and named him 'Cephas', He knew that Peter would later deny Him three times in His hour of judgment. However, and this is critical; Jesus also knew what would happen next, and after that, and after that, all the way to Glory; He knew it all. And when Jesus questioned Peter about his love, He did not say, "Now don't deny Me anymore", nor did He need to; but what He was saying, was for Peter to take those things that He had learned, and instill them into others. Unfortunately, there are many that die, before they learn their lesson... "As far as the east is from the west, so far hath He removed our transgressions from us. Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him. For He knoweth our frame; He remembereth that we are dust. As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more." (Psalms 103:12-16)

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