Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"He Calls Me Friend"

Whether you know it or not, we cannot call God our friend, He must call us Friend; like it or not, that is how it is. The reason for that, is that God will not be subject to our lives, and our faults; but He will give us access to His Holiness, and good qualities. This is very similar to the way we are to Love our enemies; What??? No, I am not saying that God considers us enemies; but He does not fellowship with sin, or darkness. The main difference between 'Agape' (or Agapao) love and 'Phileo' love, is that 'Agape' and never 'Phileo' is used towards our enemies; when we are told to 'Love our enemies', it is meant that we should 'Agape' our enemies; which is a higher love than 'Phileo', and is more of an expression of compassion; verses the wider range of 'Phileo' which includes the love of friendship. We are thus commanded to love (agapao) our enemies, to do what is necessary to turn them to Christ, but never to befriend them (phileo) by adopting their interests and becoming friends on their level. Thus, is God's friendship towards us in this same regard; He will not befriend us on our level. However, we are no longer subject to the sin and the darkness which once separated us from fellowship with God; which is why, He can now call us Friend. Because, once we have been washed in the Blood of the Lamb (Jesus Christ), we have access to God at His Level; but He will not access us at our level. In other words; God is still an enemy of sin and darkness, so He will not, and cannot subject Himself to it. But we have access to Him through Jesus Christ; and in His presence, where there is no sin, we being made free from sin because of the Blood of His Son, can freely have fellowship; and now He can call us 'Friend'. And how do we Know we are a Friend of God? Because of His Love!!! We are able to be called His Friend because we are now governed by His Love; which means, that our interests are now His interests, because we are interested in the things of Him. And what that really means, is that now the works that we do, are based in our Love for God, and the Faith that we have in Him!!! "Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that Loveth Him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of Him. By this we know that we love the children of God, when we Love God, and keep His commandments. For this is the Love of God, that we keep His commandments: and His commandments are not grievous." (1 John 5:1-3)

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