Friday, February 26, 2010

ISAIAH 55:1 - "Who is Thirsty?"

"And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." (Rev 22:17) What was the greatest miracle that Jesus did here on earth? Was it raising Lazarus? Was it feeding the people with very little food? Here is a hint: It involved a curtain; the veil of the temple was torn in two; which signified that we now had access to God again. A fallen man, that had been separated from God by sin, now had access to God, through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. All those before that day, were looking towards the cross; believing in their hearts that Jesus was coming to take their sins away. All those after that day, are looking back to the cross, believing in our hearts that Jesus has taken our sins away. When we come to Christ, our sins are washed away; we are united again with a Holy God, because of the blood of Jesus, we can now access the Father and have fellowship with God; that our Eternal Soul may know that experience of being in the presence of Him who breathed life into it. If we look at the 'Letters to the Seven Churches' in Revelation 2 & 3, you might be able to see that there is a similarity in what we are to focus on, and the 'Beatitudes' from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5. When I spoke before about the difference between a 'Forgiven Christian' and that of a 'Glorified Christian', I was not speaking about two different people, as much as I was about two different levels of the playing field. We will all traverse between the two, some just more than others; but there are two different arenas, if you will, that we are walking in; one is just more glorious than the other. You might be wondering right about now if you just tuned into the Si-Fi channel? But in all seriousness, there is a different plain which we must be focused on; and it is out of this world. As we move about in this world, within this body, we will be faced with choices every day; one choice will lean towards God's Perfect Will for our life; the other choice will be towards His Permissive Will. Either choice we choose, in the end leads us into God's will, one is just more glorious than the other, right now; one offers us the opportunity to experience the fullness of His grace now, right now. The other choice keeps us fighting the flesh and not being able to taste the victory that we have in Christ over the sins that so easily cause of to stumble. When we accept Christ into our heart, we have moved out from being under the Law, and have moved into God's Grace; we are now under a whole new covenant. This new covenant is not about what we can not, or should not do; but it is all about what we must do. The things which cause us to draw closer to God; the things which we must let God work in our lives so that we can be used by Him to complete His 'New Temple'. One way or another He will build His temple; the question we need to ask ourselves: 'Do we want to be a brick in His temple, or the mortar?'; He can use us either way we choice, it is just that one way is more glorious. If we take a look for just a moment at what is considered to be the best of the seven churches: The Church of Philadelphia; the church of Love. This is the one church which had the most going for it, and because they were holding onto the Word of God, they were making it through, and would continue to make it through as long as they held fast onto that which they had. Because they had little strength, they held more onto the things of God; they had not denied the name of Jesus, and the power of His name. Each of the seven churches were given instruction on what they needed to do; this church also was given instruction, and the instruction given was one that can be the hardest to hold onto. Why would I say that? Because this instruction is mostly completed in the Spiritual realm, and has more to do about knowing our position in Christ, believing He is coming soon, and always being ready to be found worthy. But the glory that is bestowed, well, it is the best; "Him that overcome will I make a pillar in the temple of God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name." Revelation 3:12

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