Thursday, February 25, 2010

ISAIAH 55:1 - 'The Messanger'

"I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.", (Revelation 22:16) The book of Isaiah was the most quoted book by Jesus, and the most quoted book in the New Testament. Of all the prophets and writers of the Scriptures, Isaiah had been shown, or able to express the fullness of Jesus Christ. Isaiah seems to have been able to witness so many different aspects of who Jesus was; how Jesus ministered here while He walked upon this earth, His mission in coming from heaven, His glory that would be revealed in heaven, and even that Jesus was and always has been God manifested. Another thing that Isaiah was blessed with, was the gifting of being able to approach God; to hear from God; to talk with God; and to see through the eye of God. Not many others were able to come into this type of relationship with God and be able to articulate what God had instructed them in. I really believe that Isaiah had seen many of the things which Jesus had done while He was here. That Isaiah witnessed Jesus being born, that he saw Him teaching in the temple as a child, that he saw Jesus perform His first miracle, witness to Nicodemus, share with the woman at the well; he witnessed Jesus minister into peoples lives and declare the truth of God; he even was witness to the brutal death that Jesus suffered for our sins. But there is something else that Isaiah was able to see and experience, that very few were privileged to partake of; that was to see Jesus glorified in heaven; to see the glorified Church; to see the way things were meant to be for us, if we could and would submit to what God wants for us. As we look into this chapter of 'The Holy Scriptures'; I would ask for myself, or anyone else that cares to partake; to surrender all the things of this world; the things that we know and see; and to try as hard as we can to reach for the things of the Spirit. In other words: We must think outside this world, think outside the things we see and have been taught our whole lives are meaningful, or things that matter. What we are dealing with here is our Eternal Souls; which is the part of us that really, really, really needs to be reunited, refreshed and feed by God. It is so easy to be distracted by this world; after all God created it for us to enjoy, to have dominion over, and to partake of it's pleasures; but the most important thing for us, is to have fellowship with God. All the things of this world are dieing, along with this present body that we dwell in; this is the way things are here in a fallen world; but Jesus is preparing a place for us that does not die, that is not corrupted by the things of this current world; a place where we will dwell with God and where we will actually have our abode with Him. Right now, here on this corrupt earth, we can have the joy, the hope and the experience of what is to come; that 'New Jerusalem' which will be our home forever; How is that even possible? How: By making that the place where our hearts are! We must be longing for it as if our very lives depended upon it; that must be what we are living for each and every day of our natural lives. This is our high calling of God; this is why Jesus came to die for our sins. That He could redeem us back to God, and that we could once again dwell with God; actually in the presence of God; so much so, that there would be no need for the sun or the moon, or any other source of light; because God will be our light. That is our new dwelling place, and it has been our dwelling place since the day we accepted Jesus into our hearts; it's just that sometimes during our journey home, we forget that it is there, waiting for us; we forget that we must be longing for it; that our Eternal Soul is groaning inside to be there, because this earth has nothing to satisfy it's thirst. "And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." Revelation 22:17


  1. Thank you Rich!

    All are dying in this corrupted, fallen world. But Christ prepares an eternal home for His children, whom He has purchased at great cost.
