Tuesday, February 23, 2010


"Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God;" 2 Cor. 3:5. Alright; I promise that I am almost ready to be wrapping up touching on the Perfect Will of God, verses the Permissive Will of God; but I thought I would save the best for last; (actually, I had no such plan, nor do I even know what I am doing). What is God's Grace? What does it mean for our lives? How is God's Grace sufficient for us? These are just a few of the questions that come to mind when considering what to share on God's Grace. How is God's Grace the best?, you might have asked; if you did ask, I am glad you did. Okay; this part is tricky to move into, because so much of how we move in the power of God, depends on our position in Christ; in other words, we are so easily moved from the position that has been established by God, and into a position that we have established, or think that we have. (Did I leave anyone back at the word, Okay?) God's love is unchanging; it is steadfast and sure; His mercy for us, endures for ever, and ensures that we do not get what we deserve; But God's grace is poured out, it is the gift that keeps on giving. The more we walk in His Grace, the more of His grace is poured out into our lives. Am I saying that some receive more grace than others? Well, I am not really sure how that all works; but I can say that I believe some accept more grace than others. What is the difference between receive and accept? Oh, I am not sure I can explain that in a day, or a week; but let me try to put it in simple terms: His grace is poured out for all, and is the same for all; the difference is in how much of the all we want to experience. The parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30 is a good illustration of what this is I am trying to say. Another parable that Jesus used was the parable of the laborers in Matthew 20:1-16; one shows that God gives us the abilities and with that comes responsibility; while the other shows that we are all given the same abilities. How can this be, because we are all different? Yes, true, true; we all are very different, one from another; but God on the other hand is the same; He does not change; so really the question we need to ask is: Who's grace is it? There are two different judgements spoken about in Revelations; one is the Great White Throne Judgement, in which all those not written in the Lamb's Book of Life will be judged and cast into the lake of fire; the other judgement is the Judgement Seat of Christ; I will cover all the above later, but for now I just want to give a preview as to where I am going. God pours out His grace to us freely, but here is the thing we need to know; it is not our Grace, it is His. What the heck am I saying? We can not receive something that is not ours, as if we can own it; it belongs to God, and we can accept it, to walk in it, to allow God to bless us in it, to live it out, in each and every day of our lives; but at the end of the day, it still belongs to God. We will be held accountable to how we walked in His Grace. God's perfect will for our lives, is that we would all walk in the fullness of His Grace. What is the fullness of His Grace for us as individuals? Only God knows; "For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, besides thee, what He hath prepared for him the waiteth for Him.", Isaiah 64:4. God's permissive will when it comes to His Grace; well, I don't want to be the judge in that regard; but He is merciful and always loves us, but He will hold everyone of us accountable in that day. He will not force us to want more of Him, or to experience more of Him; but He might want to know why we did not...

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