Sunday, February 28, 2010

ISAIAH 55:1 - "The Thirst Quencher"

"But the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. " (John 4:14b) Do you remember when you first accepted Jesus Christ into your heart? Do you remember what you experienced that moment you first believed? Do you remember what it feels like in your heart, mind, and even your very soul, to believe? That power of transformation; that New Birth experience, wherein the power of God could not be denied. That life changing experience was so real, so powerful; as you experienced the Light for the very first time; as you knew for the first time, in your heart of hearts, that there was a God in Heaven, and That God Loves You. Depending how long ago that was for you, a lot may have transpired in your life since then. That newness you experienced on that day may have grown old with time, to a point where you really do not remember what it felt like to believe God has the power to transform a life. You knew in your heart of hearts then, that God was a powerful, loving and merciful God; that had revealed Himself to you in a way that could not be denied. For the first time you were able to experience the Light; you were able to feel God's Agape Love; and you were able to know with no uncertain terms, that God is real. Oh, today you are still a Christian, after all of these years you are hanging in there; but you have gotten to a point where you are waiting for either the Lord to come back, or take you home; and you have quit waiting for Him to do a fresh work in your life. You have quit wanting Him to show you more of Himself, each and everyday. I wonder what might have happen if Elijah had not killed the 450 prophets of Baal, but instead would have given them a chance to repent and give God the glory. After all, they just witnessed to True and Living God, upfront and personal. Besides, is there more glory in fire coming down from heaven, or in the transformation of a life? For us that have been given the Living Water, it is to be just that, living; living water must flow to even be considered as alive; it must flow into our lives and then out of our lives. Much the same way it did the day we first accepted Jesus into our life. I remember how it was for me that day; I could not contain myself. I had to call my wife as soon as possible, so I could tell her of this wonderful thing that God had done in me, and try to convince her that He wants to do the same for her. I had to tell everyone all around me, what a Loving, Mighty and Powerful God we have, and that He loves us so much. His love for us is the same as it was on that day; but for many of us, it does not feel the same today; that New Birth experience has become an old birth expression in our lives. When in reality, we are closer today to glory than we were back then; so that in of it's self should be reason enough to be excited about God, to be excited about the things of God, and to be excited about how God can transform a life. And Guess What?; We can continue to experience that New Birth each and everyday as we lead others to the Living Water. "I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name's sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted. Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because you have left thy first love." (Revelation 2:2-4) This is the letter to the church in Ephesus, and at first you would consider those things listed to be really good qualities to posses in serving the Lord; until He gets to the Nevertheless part. This is reality for many in the church today; they labour in the things of God, demonstrating patience, hating those that practice evil, exposing those that are not really of God, doing all they can in the name of Jesus; just tooling along and occupying till Christ comes back, or takes them home. But there is something lacking in their life, something that is not the way it should be; they do not have that same love for the Lord they once did. That relationship they experienced with God and His Agape Love on the day they first believed has grown cold. The expectation of God doing something afresh and anew in their life each and everyday has all but disappeared. That, "Wow God Loves Me" kind of feeling has been replaced with a "God Loved Me" expression in their life. Listen up: God Loves You; He loves you right now, the same as He did when He transformed your life. He wants us to experience Him anew and afresh everyday of our lives; this is what we must be thirsty for. We must be thirsty for God to do a work in us, through us; for Him to be able to use as a vessel to pour out His Living Water onto a thirsty world. That we would continue to experience the life giving transformation that only God can provide; with each and every passing day. "Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else...He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcomes will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God." (Revelation 2:5 & 7)

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