Thursday, March 21, 2019

"Pumped Up"

"Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it." (Psalms 119:140)

  Move over and let God speak! That is the message in the light of what is being said, because His word is very pure, His word speaks for itself. The perfect image of this is when Jesus was tempted by the devil in the wilderness. Jesus did not need to give a long explanation of what was wrong with the devil's insulting requests; He only needed to quote the Scriptures that insulted his requests. There is no greater defense than God's Holy Word! If there is any truth to that slogan, "The Buck Stops Here," it is surely the Word of God! It does not get any purer than that. Yet, how often do we think that it is not enough on its own? Simply put, we sometimes forget the impact and sharpness of how God's word makes the difference. We are so use to hearing it and reading it, we forget how powerful it really is. Besides the fact that Jesus died for our sins and it was God's love for us that broke our hearts, there is another love we sometimes leave unnoticed, the Book of Love, the Holy Bible! Not that we can not study His word and feel all of the ways He changes us, from the inside out; that is to be expected, you have no choice with that happening, because the more you read His word, the more you are going to be either convicted or at least informed. No, this is something entirely different; this is us falling in love with His word, because His word is His love letter to us, to you and me, personally. When we make it personal, then it is His heart directly to our heart; there is no need for anyone to tell us what is being said, because we hear His voice. This is the power given to those that have been silenced, because there is nothing greater than the Word of God to speak against the powers of darkness and the enemies of God, absolutely nothing! This is what is meant by us being ready to give and answer, because the answer is from God! We don't even need to think about it, the Holy Spirit will automatically think for us, we only need to say the words, "For it is written," and get out of the way. Don't take my word for it, make it your plan of action and see for yourself. Just make sure that you have prayed first and foremost, and that you do not doubt God is in control. We can sometimes have a tendency to trust more in preparation than in inspiration. Not that it is a bad idea to be prepared, because it does say, "Be prepared to give an answer," it is just the question of, Who is going to have the last word...

"Every word of God proves true. He is a shield to all who come to him for protection. Do not add to his words, or he may rebuke you and expose you as a liar." (Proverbs 30:5-6) NLT

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