Wednesday, March 20, 2019

"Hushed Up"

"My zeal hath consumed me, because mine enemies hath forgotten thy words." (Psalms 119:139)

  Okay, so maybe this is not what you expected; but for whatever it is worth, this is an underlying cause of disruption and neglect in all that is good and right, not only in society, but also in the church.  What many refer to as the Silent Majority, are not seeming all that relevant anymore. Do you think the fact that they remain silent might have something to do with that? Sure, David had some enemies, but this is not about those that might try to hurt or destroy him, this is about taking sides, as in, who is it that you serve! Whoever is not for God and His perfect plan of salvation, is also not going to be for you, especially when you start taking a stand for what you believe in. What happens when that takes place in our lives? First and foremost, no matter how much of a majority you might represent, you will all of the sudden feel all alone and outnumbered. Secondly, you will do one of two things; you will either shut up and remain silent, or you will peddle-back away from what you believe and you will find some way to agree with those that appose you and your faith. The way I see it, David is making a statement about how much it hurts to express what you are passionate about, when there are so many around you that do not agree or are opposed to your belief. The majority of people will just not speak out; just for the sake of not causing arguments or disruption in relationships, they remain silent. The primary meaning of the word, "consumed," is that of making silent, or to leave off speaking. In other words, the zeal is cut off or destroyed; making all that is built up inside of you be silent, because there is no way to possibly talk any sense into anyone who does not agree with the Word of God! On a little different subject, the movie coming out on the 29th, called, "Unplanned," is an interesting thing to look at, as in an attempt to be made silent. The movie was given an 'R' rating in what many believe was an attempt to not only prevent younger teens from going to see it, but also the keep away many Christians due to the 'R' rating. With all of the new talk about late-term abortions and even killing live babies, this movie exposes the barbaric killing of a baby during the first trimester, which is up to 12 weeks. I remember back when I was a young Christian, this came up at that time by the release of a movie called, "Silent Scream." The talking heads on the radio and TV were trying to say that the fetus really is not aware of anything being wrong, and that the movement away from the abortion instrument was just a reflex reaction. But what really did it for me, was when they tried to explain away the horrific look on the face of the fetus while its limbs were being torn off; as they tried to say that the fetus really cannot experience pain. Strange as that is, there are also those that think Jesus could not experience the pain of His beatings or crucifixion either; as if He could ignore the pain because He was God in the flesh. Maybe that is why one of the shortest verses in the Bible is just that, enough said...

"JESUS WEPT." (John 11:35) KJV

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