Wednesday, July 5, 2017

"Honesty Before God" -Too

"A fire goeth before him, and burneth up his enemies round about." (Psalms 97:3)
Besides having to deal with regret and consequence, the only other thing standing between what we do and what God wants us to do, is pride and vanity. Some might think it is a little more than that, but that's because they really don't want to come to terms with the real issues. Solomon had is all figured out; he might not have performed very well on what he had figured out, but he knew what it was that he needed to do, and he knew why he wasn't able to do it. Some might also look at this verse and consider the "fire" and "burneth up" parts to be bad things; they are to those that do not want to be changed by God! But to those that love God, there is something about His 'fire' that wants us to want Him to consume us. Mostly because we are so unwilling to do what it takes on our own; we know that it's going to take God's Holy Fire to get it done. I'm sorry, just being honest; there are so many things I want to do better, but just keep putting things off for the day I really feel like getting it done. Don't tell me that pride and vanity are not part of that kind of choice or pattern, because they most surely are. Sometimes we need God to do whatever it takes to get our attention, because left to our own wicked ways, we would be stuck doing it all wrong, let alone figuring anything out. I heard Pastor Jack say something last week, that I have heard other pastors say also, that one of the reasons he decided to become a pastor, was so that he had to show up for church and he had to study God's word, otherwise he might not have consistently done either one. It's very true; and had I not decided to not miss a day with this blog, then there would have been many a day that I would not have posted a thing. There are some days where I don't have a clue what it is that God wants me to say; but I have found, it's mostly those days when it's because what God wants me to say, I don't really want to hear. That is why I like the Calvary Chapel way of teaching line by line and verse by verse; there are some verses you really don't want to get into to, but you don't have a choice, it's all part of God's instruction. More of You God, and less of me; that is what I pray! When it comes to really wanting the power of God in our lives, we must make sure that we allow the power of God to change us...
"His enemies, tangled like thornbushes and staggering like drunks, will be burned up like dry stubble in a field. Who is this wicked counselor of yours who plots evil against the LORD? This is what the LORD says: "Though the Assyrians have allies, they will be destroyed and disappear. O my people, I have punished you before, but I will not punish you again. Now I will break the yoke of bondage from your neck and tear off the chains of Assyrian oppression." And this is what the LORD says concerning the Assyrians in Nineveh: "You will have no more children to carry on your name. I will destroy all the idols in the temples of your gods. I am preparing a grave for you because you are despicable!" Look! A messenger is coming over the mountains with good news! He is bringing a message of peace. Celebrate your festivals, O people of Judah, and fulfill your vows, for your wicked enemies will never invade your land again. They will be completely destroyed!" (Nahum 1:10-15) NLT

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