Tuesday, March 29, 2016

"God Will Judge Fairly"

PSALM 75 [To the chief Musician, Altaschith, A Psalm or Song of Asaph.]
I am so sorry for leaving out "you" in the closing verse; I was crying so hard yesterday morning, I barely was able to finish that post. Man, that was a brutal Psalm! I must have had at least a half dozen times during that period of wanting to quit; it was a pretty rough thirty-two days, and am I so ready for what comes next! As we move into this next Psalm, there is something familiar in this introduction, which is the word, "Altaschith." We find this word introduced again in Psalms 57, of which I have written next to both of them, "Destroy Not." If you remember from Psalms 57, the title above that Psalm was, "Pleading for God's Help," and it was meant to represent the time when David fled from Saul in the cave. The title of this post is the title above this Psalm in my Bible; but you probably already knew that. However, both of these title, although completely different from one another, they are exactly the same in heart; in other words, the heart behind the meaning is exactly the same. It's the kind of heart that puts complete trust in God, that no matter what, God is on your side and He will watch over you, because He loves you, and because He knows what is best for you. That same word is used in two other Psalms also, Psalms 58 and 59; however those were both about vengeance and deliverance, Psalms 57 and 75 are more about putting our trust in God's hands, and just accepting whatever He chooses the outcome to be. That might sound like it is difficult to do, but in all reality, God's ways are always higher than our ways, and no matter what we think should always happen, we really don't know what the big picture looks like, only God knows the end of the matter. How often do we suggest things to God, thinking that we know a little something about what He is doing? We say to ourselves, "Oh, I see God doing this or that in this particular matter," when what we see happening, does not ever materialize. We get our hopes up, just to get them crushed! Let God be the judge of how things should be, and then determine in your heart to accept whatever that outcome might be. We are having my son's Memorial and Funeral on April 9th, and I am excited to see what God will do. Pastor Bruce will be doing the message; a message of hope and security in Jesus! I will be giving the opening eulogy, with hopes to set things up for Bruce's message. I don't know about you, but I believe Weddings and Funerals are great places to share the Good News about Jesus Christ. Bruce is going to bring his guitar, and I have asked him to play "Amazed," which we might do towards the end; but I will leave that up to him. The main thing is for Jesus to be lifted up, and for everyone present to leave there knowing that there is hope, even in destruction...
"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." (Jeremiah 29:11) KJV

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