Friday, April 18, 2014

"Needing To Be Cared For" -2

"But I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinketh upon me: Thou art my help and my deliverer; make no tarrying, O my God." (Psalms 40:17) We can go on for years without actually considering what God wants for our lives; believe me, I know from experience, because I have done it more than once over the last 30 years. It is not something that is planned out, that is for certain, nor do we wake up one morning and say, I think I will just do my own thing for a while, and see where that gets me. Actually, it happens by not seeking God first; and when I say "seek", I am talking about that which we are dependent upon for life, much like food is sought after, if you can relate to that; I know I can, because it is probably the most important thing on my mind at least once or twice a day: what am I going to eat next, and where will I get it from? That might seem a little silly, but if you eat out as much as I do, then you would totally understand what I am talking about. I liked how it was when Marianne was in charge of planning the meals, I only needed to ask, What's for dinner? and be surprised by whatever it was she had prepared for me that day. That is pretty much how we are to be led by God: He plans the day for us, and we need to only ask to prepare our hearts; then we get to be surprised by what He has prepared for that day. The word "thinketh" which David is using when he says, "yet the Lord thinketh upon me", is like to devise or to forecast: "a weaver in colored figures, properly, one mixing threads with colors". Another way we could imagine this, is that of us being a lump of clay, and God being the Potter who must make this lump of clay into something; if the Potter is not making the pot, then this pot isn't going to be made; therefore, what should the lump of clay be saying, every day... "But I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinketh upon me: Thou art my help and deliverer; make no tarrying, O my God!"

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