Tuesday, February 4, 2014

"Bad Goes Bad"

"I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree." (Psalms 37:35) You might laugh at the title, but it really is not a laughing matter to be on the side of the devil, or to be the "seed" of the devil, and within his authority. Those that have not given their lives over to Jesus Christ, and that are still lost in their sins, they have one thing in common with the devil, that being that hell is in their future unless they repent and surrender their lives over to Jesus; the devil does not have that opportunity to repent, so he is glade to have as much company in hell as possible. You can not tell someone who is in that position that he is going to hell unless they change, because to anyone that is in position, the gospel message is just foolishness and weakness, compared to the strength they see in the riches of this world. We were all born in sin, having been born the offspring of a fallen man, that being Adam; yet, to be born again, although this fallen vessel is not destroyed, the heart within this vessel is made new; something that must take place in order to see how foolish it is to trust in the riches of this world. It is like having a whole new set of eyes, where we can see the decay and the destruction of this world, and we can see the hope and the glory that is available in Jesus; two totally different worlds; two totally different perspectives. We might also laugh at something a congresswoman said about Obama Care, saying, "We need to pass the bill, in order to see what is in it"; but in truth, we need to be born again, in order to see the things of heaven. (John 3:3) This "green bay tree" that David is speaking of, is something of flourishing within a place that it cannot be transplanted, or a native tree that flourishes because of where it grows. Sad as this might sound, that is as good as it gets for those that trust in this world, a few days to spread out within a place that shall be no more; yet that word "spreading" is a word that speaks of nakedness, which is not something that is covered, nor it does retain anything, but is poured out, much like a vessel that is poured out to empty it's contents, as to reveal the bottom that is laid bare. In other words; the great power of the wicked are weakness and foolishness when compared to the riches and the splendor of God; yet they will not see this until it is too late, and by then, there will be nothing left for them here to hold onto; all that they had put their trust in shall be unattainable for taking with them, so all that they had will be lost... "The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe. The rich man's wealth is his strong city, and as a high wall in his own conceit. Before destruction the heart of a man is haughty, and before honour is humility." (Proverbs 18:10-12)  

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