Tuesday, September 24, 2013

"Take Him at His Word"

"He keepeth all his bones: and not one of them are broken." (Psalms 34:20) Some times we just need to get over ourselves and trust God at what He does! That might be easier said than done, but then again, so is trying to live a holy life; which is not only what God is asking of us, but it is the space in between us and Him; and He wants us close to Him, as close as we can possibly get! I really do think that it all comes down to belief, as in, How strongly we believe in God? Do we take Him at His Word? and if so, then why does that not change our hearts? This is really a pretty interesting verse, given the context of this Psalm and what is implied about strength and firmness in the word "bones"; and we know from what happen on Calvary, that this verse can be applied to Jesus, as they broke the legs of the other two, but did not break His legs; but what does this say for us, and how does this apply to deliverance? If we examine the content of the last three verses together, grouping them into one thought, we can see a pattern that develops in form of being broken, yet not broken; with the general thought being that we either have a broken spirit and be delivered, or we don't and be crushed. I know that might sound pretty severe, and it should; but that is not God's intention for any of us; His intention for us is to be sitting at His feet and feeling the fullness of His love; more love than we could ever imagine! I can't imagine what my life would be without Jesus, but I can imagine what it would be if I yielded completely to His will; Can you? Try it and see; see if you can imagine yourself living a holy life and walking completely in obedience to the will of God. See the impact you have upon those God has given you, and how powerful God's Spirit moves in your life, as you minister to the people you touch, and as they too are touched by the Spirit that dwells within you. We live in a world that is dying and full of death and destruction, and our lives need to contrast this world; they need to be alive and full of life; giving out light in a darkened world, and shinning forth with the hope of new life. And yet, with all that I just described, what is it that gets in the way of doing all of that?
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God." (Romans 12:1 & 2)

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